Point of Departure
–thirty-three new poems–
by Michele McDannold
is now available from
Purchase a signed copy from Magical Jeep Distributing
Michele McDannold’s ‘Stealing the Midnight from a Handful of Days’ is the recollection of a young women for whom each moment, breath, event of the day is trapped in memory. She greets sin as common, sorrow as an ally and joy as a mishap. Her poems are elegant in the telling of her innocence. It isn’t that she hasn’t seen the dark side, or been touched in undeserving ways. She has. Somehow she has embraced these moments, allowed herself to dream big and has stepped beyond the constraints of a mid-west up-bringing. Michele’s poems come from those deep places, where secrets hide and she writes them with a fearless heart. –Bill Gainer, author The Mysterious Book of Old Man Poems